Over the recent years, the number of vacancies posted online has grown rapidly and also job-seekers are increasingly relying on online job portals. The first steps towards harnessing the informative power of online vacancies were undertaken in the project ‘Real-time Labour Market Information on Skill Requirements’ where a prototype for online vacancy analysis was developed for five European countries. The current project up-scales the prototype to 28 EU Member States and was accompanied by the Landscaping Activity in the early stages (2017-2018). The Landscaping Activity was carried out in all EU Member States and delivered in-depth insights into the country-specific functioning of online job-portal markets in the following dimensions:
- Drivers influencing the use of online job-portals in recruitment and job-search;
- Structure of the online job-portal landscape;
- Factors influencing the format and content of OJVs;
- Trends expected in the use of online job-portals.
Based on this information, the system for collecting and analysing online job-vacancies could be refined. The continuous crawling of the identified 530 job-portals in the 28 EU Member States has been taking place since April 2018 and the collected data will be available for the Czech Republic, Germany, Spain, France, Ireland, Italy and the UK as early release at the beginning of 2019. The analyses for the rest of the countries will be released in 2020.